Food Safety

We know that food quality depends on the health of the original fruit and vegetable, as well as the safety processes throughout the supply chain: harvest, production, processing, conservation, and distribution.

For this reason, BIOMAC Quality Assurance Department guarantees that each fruit and vegetable we sell is produced, processed, and preserved to capture the peak of its purity, flavor, and nutritional properties. At BIOMAC, our processing, marketing and distribution practices work in concert to ensure the best quality products meet or exceed the customer’s specification. This strict policy allows us to guarantee healthful, natural, and safe food to our clients throughout the world.



Primus SQF

The SQF (Safe Quality Food) certification is also recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). It provides a credible food safety management system. It offers continuous monitoring procedures over Food Security Monitoring System (FSMS), Good Agricultural Practice (GAP), Good Manufacturing Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).


Organic Certification

A food is considered organic if during its sowing, growing, harvesting, storing, and industrial procedure a product does not touch any synthetic chemical inputs such as pesticides, food additives or fertilizers.Moreover, genetically modified seeds must be avoided too in order to guarantee the product maintains its natural identity.